How to Create an Effective Action Plan for Chasing Goals?

How to Create an Effective Action Plan for Chasing Goals?

Pursue your goals despite any obstacles, as the greatest fulfillment lies in the actions that lead you closer to them:

Often our focus in life is not on the things that matter the most. Our attention is divided, and we are out of focus. We need to remind ourselves of the goals that we desire to achieve. If we want success in our life, then we need to bring back our attention to our goals every now and then.


We need to train our brain to focus and be success conscious. For example, you may have observed that when you want to buy a car for yourself all your mind does is focuses on the car that you desire on the street. How do you think that happens? Is it that the cars have only recently been around you after you started thinking about it? Obviously no, the car was always around you what happened was that your brain has started bringing your attention to that thing.

Same way when you start being success conscious in your life all your brain does is bring success into your life. Try out an experiment, try focusing on your end goal, try thinking about your end goal what do you think will happen? Your brain will try and find ways to reach that goal which you desire. 

Never Give Up

What is the reason for you to achieve the goal? 

While chasing new goals the most important question is “Why”. Ask yourself what the purpose is of achieving the goal. What would achieve this goal make of you? Usually while going after a goal, we tend to lose our motivation and when that happens most of the people leave their journey mid-way and they just give up.

When your intention of achieving any goal is clear and you have strong enough reason to achieve the goal then you do not back down even when the motivation is over. Be in the present moment and focus on your goal. You should find out the reason you want to achieve your goal and use it smartly and effectively when you about to give u, which happens when you go after any set goal in life. Make a to do list and write down the actions required to be taken. The to do list gives you a better clarity of achieving the goals and helps you to take clear steps towards them.

Also Read: How Continuous Self Improvement Can Enhance Your Personal Life

You are equating your worth with the number of things you accomplish

What happens most of the time is that we measure ourselves by the number of things we have accomplished until now, that needs to change. We need to value and respect our self in every circumstance. The way you think about yourself affects the goals that you will accomplish in the future.

Having big goals is very essential but don’t discourage yourself thinking about the things you have done in the past. Give yourself that chance to look at the bright future that you have ahead and what all that is possible in the life. 

Make a List of the things on which you spend your time:

Make a List of the things on which you spend your time

The most important thing to check on every day is to check on your daily activities. Start with making a list of things you spend your time on and then carefully assess if they are in alignment with your goals. Once you make the list of all your activities observe the time spend on unnecessary things throughout the day. 

You’ll be surprised by the amount of time you waste throughout the day. It is usually observed that most of your time is spent on unnecessary use of social media. Using social media is not a problem but not managing your time carefully which postpones the achievement of your goals is truly a bigger problem.

Wasting time on an unnecessary task simply delays the achievement of your goals and tasks and make your task impossible to achieve. Daily even smaller consistent efforts prove to be of greater effect than not performing the task at all.

Ask yourself a question:

ask yourself

While we go through our daily life, we should ask ourselves one question ourselves is what we desire for ourselves in the future? Ask yourself what are your dreams. What do your dreams for the future? Most people just go about in their life without making any real progress because they do not spend time asking real and important questions to themselves. Keep writing down your goals even if it’s a business goals.

Dream big and realize that you need to take the first step to create a better future. Go ahead and pursue your dream and stand up again even if you fail. Do not forget your failures because they give you great lessons in life. Failures have the answer to your questions as to where you went wrong. Be present in the moment and discover great opportunities. Failure helps us to overcome our shortcomings and helps us to not repeat the mistakes we made earlier.

I enjoyed my days way more:

enjoyed my days way more

How do you define happiness? What would be the things that would bring about happiness in your life? Is it the temporary pleasures or permeant results that would last? Of course, the later. It would bring us lot of joy and hope to put efforts in things that matter the most, it makes more sense.

Think of the reality you want to create. When was the last time you thought clearly about your goals? Start creating your new reality and all the money goals, housing goals and start accomplishing them. If you desire money describe the exact amount and work towards it and if it’s a house desire that fully.

It’s important to be cautious of burnout and view it as a joint responsibility. 

When we want to achieve a lot of things in life, and we drain all our energy throughout the day in tasks that are less important what we are doing is that we are not getting any closer to our goals. We should focus our energy on task that would lead us towards our goals in life.

Write down your goals and keep moving towards them while hoping for the best results. Write down the goals which describe your dream, chase them and think of the career that you want. What business do you want to create, write it with all the details.

Start living your life and achieving the goals. Make plans for the week and start applying that plan, when you follow the plan as decided the entire week you develop faith and courage in yourself. Writing down your goals helps a lot. Writing and describing the goals has great impact on your subconscious mind.

When you review your list of goals, you don’t feel extremely excited about them. 

When you set your goals what is that one thing that keep you going and push you to achieve it? Do the goals you have listed down excite you? Do they make you jump from your seat? If yes, then you are on the correct path and you should continue with each step towards them.

When your answer is no its time to rethink about the goals you have set. The goals that you set for yourself should excite you and should motivate you to achieve them. You should have some level of excitement and enthusiasm to achieve them.

Make Plan For YOur Goal

Goal prioritization in the incorrect sequence. 

One should list down the goals that he wants to achieve. Make a list of the goals for an entire year. Sit down, write them down and plan the entire year in advance. While setting the goal it’s important to start working on the goals with high priority. Number your goals in them of the priority and start working on the most important goal first.

People make mistake of starting with the simplest task and with the task hat Is off least priority. It’s very important to know the priority in which you want to achieve them. Once the priority of the goal is set start with small task, make a proper plan to achieve it and take small steps. Once you start taking smaller steps set the time frame in which you want to attract the tasks and check the list once achieved, by doing this it builds a good level of confidence for the person that he will be able to accomplish the task. These small tasks are known as the confidence builders.

Also Read: 155 SMART Monthly Goals That Will Change Your Life [+Free Goal Setting Template]

When you set the wrong order of goal to achieve you can get demotivated and most people stop chasing their goals at this point. They stop chasing the goals completely and stop taking the actions required for the goals.

The goals set by society

It’s very important to set your own goals. Sometimes our goals are influenced by the ideas and the thinking of the society we live in. There are certain social norms and standards that are regarded as success and while setting the goals for our self we adapt such standards and set the expectations and goals for our self without realising our own personal benchmark that we have for our own self.

It’s very important to investigate our own interest and our inclination towards the things we want to acquire before setting goals. If the goals we set are purely influenced by the ideas of the society, then it’s very difficult to be motivated to achieve them and acquire success.

Let’s talk about how you can pause your goals without losing all your progress:

When we set a big goal in life and we start the process of achieving them there can be various distractions and setbacks, it’s so important to not be dragged back down to where you were rather trying to be stable during the tough times. It’s okay if you do not progress but don’t let yourself fall to the very beginning.

When we drive towards goals set in the future they can vary, and we might face certain unexpected matters that might come up. First, it’s important to set the right goals for yourself which can be measured and not what the world wants to do.

All Dreams Come True If we have the courage to purse them

You create a single point of focus:

When starting with achieving the goals it’s very important to create the focus point of the goal that is set to be achieved. The goal should have a very clear single focused point to achieve. When the goal is clearly defined and make clear and simplified by breaking it down into small tasks the job becomes easier.

Sometimes we become overwhelmed by the goal that we want to achieve, when we see that there’s a lot to achieve. We can see that there is a huge gap in our expectations and our reality when come fearful of the huge change and self-doubt sets in. It’s important to break down the goal into smaller tasks. Don’t look at the end goal, rather just focus on the next task with stipulated time limit to achieve it and when that is done, we start to create a belief that the goal is possible to reach.

What is the significance of directing your attention towards your goals? 

attention towards your goals

We of then are suggested to set goals but no clear instruction or guide is provided for how to achieve them. When we set any goals it’s very important to set aside the distractions that prevent us from achieving our goals. Utilization is the key when trying to reach the goals.

Using social media and the upcoming advancement in technology for our benefit can help us reach the goals more effectively, while at the same time being distracted by social media is very easy and convenient. In today’s age of competition, you easily reach your goals and main reason behind that is majority of the population is distracted by the technology and social media. Focusing on the goal means putting distractions aside and having an aggressive approach for achieving the goals.

Despite having written your goals everywhere, you find it difficult to recall them.

The entire process of achieving goal could be challenging. The process of goal setting and achieving could be different for different people and everyone has their own timeline in life. Chase the goals that would bring about a lot of deference in your life. Chase the goals that you really want in your life.

Keep setting your goals higher and break the habits that prevent you from going for it. One should start have big dreams and should be thought to set gaols from the young age. You should aim to be a goal settler who sets the goals and is fearless and ambitious and achieves them by working towards them effectively.

You motivate people to take action. 

You motivate people to take action. 

It’s very important to not really focus on what has happened in your journey that has been putting you down and to stay on track. When you act towards your goals you have these feelings of being excised and hope for great things to happen. It’s important to stay on track. 

In this amazing journey of life, we are surrounded by post online where people share their ideas and feeling towards things and rest of the world could be used in a better way than we do. The rest of the world is busy just goings the social media hours after hours and things have changed a lot since decades and it still will, you will face a hit, but you need to keep moving in our lives even if we are struggling.

Develop a strategy for pursuing your goals by creating an action plan:

Action For YOur Plan

The first step towards achieving the goal is to create an action plan for our goals. Once we write down our goals and put it on paper its very important to create an action plan for achieving it. Break down your goals and write down the task that is required to be performed for achieving the same. Once you have the list of the task required set deadline for each task.

Plan to include the small task for achieving our main goal. It’s very important to clearly describe the goal and create an action plan for the same. Sometimes things do not go according to our plan and that’s okay we can always make changes to our plan and set the new task as per our review and timeline, but one should try to achieve the goal as described and make changes only if required. 

You can’t remember the last time you engaged in unproductive activities.

Try to follow a particular routine that gives you productive outcome for your desires and goals. Overcome your fear and forget the short fall focus on opportunities in achieving your goals by writing them down. Be productive and ask yourself the question as to when the last time was you were unproductive and work on it.

For chasing goals, it’s very important to create the right action plan and follow it. Chasing goals requires efforts which includes all the planning and preparation for the same.

Engaging in self-reflection is a crucial initial step when pursuing your goals:

When we are trying to achieve something, or we want to attract something in our life it’s very important to reflect on the things we are currently doing in our life. Are your current actions in the alignment with the goals and tasks that you want to attract? It’s very important to reflect on things and understand what are the things that we are doing wrong in our life and how can we change them to attract bigger goals in our life.

Sometimes we lack the capacity to understand the things required to achieve our goals. We lack the skills that are essential to attract the goals in that case review your performance each week to see where you stand in your journey and how far are you in achieving your goals. Review your current financial, health, relationship, and career standpoints and see where you stand and how far you want to reach, slowly and steadily move towards your objectives and take action.

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