14 Ways to Overcome Insomnia Naturally

14 Ways to Overcome Insomnia Naturally

It is a known fact that most people when they are unable to sleep, think that they might have insomnia. However, insomnia is a more complicated condition. Although the major symptom of insomnia is a lack of sleep but people who experience insomnia also experience fatigue, decreased performance at work, low energy, mood disturbances and difficulty in concentrating. It is considered to be one of the most important sleep disorders.

What are the causes of insomnia?

Most of the people get insomnia due to medical causes. Medical conditions of a person lead him to develop insomnia. Chronic insomnia causes include allergies (sinus or nasal), pain in the back, chronic pain, tiredness, problems in the gastrointestinal tract, Parkinson’s disease, restless leg syndrome and several other neurological conditions, endocrinal problems, respiratory problems like asthma and arthritis. Sometimes medications for particular diseases also cause insomnia. Insomnia can be acute or chronic depending upon its onset and duration. Acute insomnia is the one during which sleep is disrupted. Many people among us have acute insomnia. This kind of insomnia can be cured without any treatment. Now moving towards chronic insomnia, which is the main problem. It is the type of insomnia in which sleep is disrupted at least three nights a week. This might last for a time period of as long as three months. Depression may be a leading cause of insomnia. Insomnia symptoms, causes, and treatment are described in this article.

How to cure insomnia?

There are different ways to cure insomnia. Different sleep aids including over-the-counter sleep aids can help in getting better sleep and curing insomnia. Treatment for insomnia can be as simple as getting all-natural sleep aids. Some of the sleeplessness remedies include

  • Sleep schedule: The first thing which you need to do for your sleep disorder treatment is to make a sleep schedule. You should count the hours of the day in which you sleep and should also count the number of hours in which you should feel rested. It is not necessary that you fit your sleep to 8 hours. Instead, sleep time is different for every person. You can start making the sleep schedule by counting your hours of sleep on the weekend. Although you have to wake yourself up on the first day of schedule at the time, at which you want to wake up for the whole of the week.
  • Stress: One of the best thing to perform as sleep disorder treatment is controlling your stress. If a person has insomnia, he/ she must try to control stress. Stress not only affects person’s daily routine but also tend to leave marks on the sleeping pattern of the person. The endocrinal system remains active during stress condition and releases certain hormones which do not let the person sleep calmly leading to insomnia. Anxiety might also be caused due to stress. If you do not want to do much to get rid of insomnia, you can only concentrate on relieving your stress. Exercise: Problems with sleeping can be controlled rather eliminated by performing the exercise. Many people among us work in offices and are unable to find time for exercise. Physical labor is required to induce a sound sleep. It is because when you will do exercise, you will get tired after a few hours time. This will lead you towards a sound sleep at night. Remember, not to perform exercise at night.
  • Caffeine: Most of the people (including me) tend to drink a lot of tea. Tea lovers cannot live without it. And if not tea then coffee is the best option. Bad news coffee and tea consumption are observed to be associated with insomnia. Sleep deprivation symptoms include anxiety, stress and sometimes panic attacks. You should lower your caffeine consumption to get rid of insomnia. If you are unable to get rid of caffeine then you might try to switch your coffee and tea with green tea. Green tea is a far better option as compared to other two.
  • Bedtime ritual: This is not only a good but also an interesting habit. Bedtime ritual will not only let adults sleep properly but are also good for children. Most people read as a bedtime ritual. It is up to you, whatever you do as a bedtime ritual but makes sure you are relaxed at that time. You might relax for an hour or so before going to bed. This will enhance the quality of your sleep.
  • Alcohol: Many people believe that alcohol consumption on a moderate level might be good for your health. It will help your body and brain to function properly. You should leave drinking at least 3 hours before bedtime. Alcohol reduces the quality of sleep of a person. You should avoid drinking alcohol as one of the natural sleep remedies. Most smokers and alcoholics will tell you that they find comfort in smoking and alcohol. Nicotine, however, is not too good as a sleep remedy.
  • Do not nap: One thing to get rid of insomnia is avoiding a nap. You should not take a nap during the day if you want to sleep sound at night. Naps during the day, make it harder for a person to sleep at night. It is because, when you naps during the day, you get refreshed and then you cannot sleep earlier at night.
  • Snacks: Two things which everyone loves is nap and snacks. I must advise at this time is that you must not eat a few hours before bedtime. But it is also a fact that many people cannot sleep when they are hungry. If you want to eat any snacks, you must have it at least 3 hours before sleep. The snacks which are considered to be best at night time are healthy carbohydrates and proteins. You must try that you never go to bed with a full stomach which might lead to heartburn.
  • Natural Sleep Aids: Supplements like melatonin will help you sleep. It is a hormone which naturally leads the body to relax. The sleep cycle is improved with the use of natural sleep aids and supplements. It is a natural process that when the sun goes down, our body starts producing melatonin. This hormone signals the body that it is now time to sleep. You can take melatonin as supplements. These supplements work best if you take them at least 30 minutes before sleep.
  • Sleeping pills: Artificial sleep medications must be reduced to get rid of insomnia. If you fall asleep with the help of tranquilizers and sleeping pills then your sleep will not be gentle and natural. In this way, you will not feel refreshed in the morning. These sleeping pills only generate light sleep. And once you get addicted, you keep on increasing the dose to get same effects.
  •  Liquids: Another tip in your way that is you have to reduce liquid consumption. I am not saying that you must reduce all your liquid consumption. But try reducing it at night. It is very difficult to get up at night and go to the bathroom, although it is a very common problem. Fluid intake after dinner can be reduced. This will not let you break your sleep at night and get up to get rid of urine.
  • No need to stay in bed: If you go to bed and are still unable to sleep for a long time then there is a tip for you. You must get up at that time and start working on something productive till you get tired. Now when you get tired, you can sleep easily.
  • Meditation and yoga: It is another good option to cure insomnia. Performing yoga and meditation on a daily basis will calm yourself and your mind which will bring you towards a good night sleep.
  • Darkness: Darkness is a stimulant of sleep. You might have experienced that whenever your teacher turns off the lights in class during the presentation, you feel sleepy. It is because darkness act as a stimulant to sleep. Remember to keep your room dark so that you can sleep early.
  • Television shows and video games: If you are unable to sleep in bed, do not turn on television or start playing video games. It is because you will further reduce your probability of sleep. Video games and television tend to enhance the possibility of getting nightmares and disturbing your sleep.
  • Electronics: Try to avoid using electronics at night to get a good and sound sleep.

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