Age is Just a Number: Life Goals for Senior Citizens to Stay Active and Engaged

Age is Just a Number Life Goals for Senior Citizens to Stay Active and Engaged

Why Goal Setting Is Important for Seniors

Like other ages, older adults also need a purpose and direction in their senior years. Goal setting for aging loved ones is a wonderful solution to support elderly people to live healthier lives. Families living with their older adults should take care of their mental health, cognitive health, and free time to improve their quality of life.

Senior Citizens

A holistic balanced care method is proven to be very effective in helping seniors maintain their quality of life. Many families living with their elderly loved ones pursue minor assistance from professional caregivers to support their older adults.

During goal setting make sure the life goals for senior citizens are good enough to improve their quality of life.

What does the SMART goals acronym stand for?

Setting SMART goals for seniors is a wonderful solution to helping seniors maintain their interest in their life goals. Moreover, the SMART goals acronym stands for 

S: Specific goals

M: Measurable goals

A: Achievable goals/Attainable goals

R: Realistic goals

T: Timebounded goals

Life Goals for senior citizens

Life Goals for senior citizens
  • Physical Health Goals
  • Eat Healthier

During senior years the immune system of the body losses its ability, therefore, the body needs healthy eating habits to maintain a healthy balance. Eating nutritious foods reduces the risk of diseases as care is better than cure. Add the following categories of nutritious foods to the food plan of your aging loved ones

  • Lean proteins
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables 

Exercise Regularly

Daily physical activity helps older adults to cope with emotional stress. There are many exercises and physical activities that your elder loved ones can perform regardless of the fear of having cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or serious conditions. 

  • Walking 
  • Tai chi
  • Water aerobics

Older adults can seek the support of professional caregivers if facing any difficulty in exercising.
Increase Physical Activity

Being physically active is mind-healing for your elderly loved ones and regular physical activity helps older adults to strengthen their bodies against diseases. To acquire health benefits for aging loved ones help them in regular physical activity i.e.

  • Daily 30-minute walk 
  • Jogging 
  • Hicking 
  • Balancing exercises
  • Muscle strengthening activities

Restful sleep

According to health experts, older adults need a respectful sleep of 7-8 hrs/night in their senior years. The following tips can help seniors for sound sleep.

  • Avoid napping in daylight
  • Avoid screen use at night
  • Go to bed one hour earlier
  • Avoid stimulating activities before bed at night
  • Reduce caffeine intake

Mental Health Goals

Mental Health Goals

Exercise the Brain

Brain exercises are good to improve both mental health and cognitive health. Some of the brain healing practices are

  • Cooking
  • Listening to music
  • Gardening
  • Crafts 
  • Board games

Play Brain Games

Playing brain games is a proven strategy to improve the cognitive health of senior citizens. Older adults should practice different things that improve their problem-solving skills like

  • Puzzle games
  • Playing musical instruments
  • Reading 
  • Chess 

Social goals 

Noting strong social ties is very effective to improve mental health in elderly people. Encourage them to be socialized and active to make their free time productive. 

  • Attending social events
  • Taking part in social activities
  • Spending free time with family members
  • Going outside with a beloved family member


Setting goals is as important for elderly people as for other ages. Our respectful aging loved ones also have all the right to spend a quality life. So, rather than sending them to old homes. give company to them and spend quality time with seniors. 

Elderly people are the best part of our past so, help them set their aging goals to own a purposeful life ahead. You can make them feel happy and stress-free by respecting them. Look after your parents during aging as they looked after you in your childhood.


What are good goals for seniors?

  • Health and Fitness
  • Creativity
  • Independence
  • Social activities
  • Family life

What are the 5 smart goals examples?

  • Walking 30-minute/day
  • Drinking 8 glasses of water per day
  • Sleeping 8 hrs/night
  • Reading a newspaper in the morning
  • Playing chess once a week

What kind of goals can someone over 60 have?

  • Reading a book on a daily basis 
  • Telling stories to my little ones
  • Going for a daily walk with my pet
  • Joining social activities 
  • Planning a trip with family
  • Taking care of my garden
  • Cooking with my daughter once a week

What are the goals for the old age home?

  • Providing nutritious foods
  • Facilitating medical help
  • Providing a healthy environment 
  • Emotional support
  • Managing physical activities

Why is goal setting important for the elderly?

Aging demands a purposeful life too and goal setting is the best way to provide a proper direction for positive outcomes in life. Goals for elderly people help in healthy aging and a peaceful ending of life. Goals provide motivation and reduce the boredom of leisure and make free time effective.

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